Idaho’s Current List of Sanctuary Cities/Counties & State Sanctuary Status

UPDATED on March 9th, 2021

The 2nd Amendment Sanctuary movement is back again after a number of years where the movement had slowed down considerably under President Trump.

With Joe Biden as President and the Democrats running the show in Congress, the Second Amendment Sanctuary Acts (SAPA) are all the rage again. Many Idaho cities and counties have joined in the effort by passing their own resolutions. 

Below is a list of Idaho cities and counties (alphabetical order) that have passed (dates listed) their own 2nd Amendment protection resolutions, those that are proposing them, those that have refused to take up a resolution, as well as the status of Idaho as a SAPA state. 

If you know of a city that is not listed that has passed, is attempting to pass, or decided against a 2nd Amendment Protection resolution, let us know in the comments or send an email to us using the “Contact” form at the top of the website.

Cities/Counties that have passed 2nd Amendment Protection resolutions:

Ashton: November 11th, 2020

Bingham County: February 9th, 2021

Boise County: February 16th, 2021

Bonneville County: March 3rd, 2021 – Recent Addition

Eagle: September 15th, 2020

Gooding: January 19th, 2021

Greenleaf: March 3rd, 2020

Hagerman: February 3rd, 2021

Kamiah: February 27th, 2021 – Recent Addition

Kuna: January 5th, 2021

Lewisville: November 11th, 2020

Nampa: November 2nd, 2020

Saint Anthony: October 8th, 2020

Star: July 23rd, 2020

Cities/Counties that are considering a 2nd Amendment Protection resolution:

None known currently.

Cities/Counties that decided against a 2nd Amendment Protection resolution:

Fairfield (2/18/2021)
Idaho County (2/9/2021)
Lincoln County (2/16/2021)

Where is Idaho as a “State Second Amendment Sanctuary?”

Back in 2014, the Idaho legislature passed a Second Amendment Protection Act (SAPA) that was signed into law by Governor Butch Otter. Idaho is one of the few states that have a SAPA law in place.

The biggest issue with any SAPA law is how it is going to be enforced and whether or not the Federal Government is going to back down in the face of one. Additionally, the Supreme Court refused to hear at least one case which meant the nation’s highest court once again hurt the cause of protecting the 2nd Amendment.

The 9th Circuit ruled that portions of some SAPA laws were in violation of the “Supremacy Clause.”

So, while many Idahoans wonder whether or not Idaho will pass a SAPA law (we already have one), the Idaho Second Amendment Alliance is working to make some additions to the law to hopefully give it some more teeth and to bolster what we have already.

The goal is to pass the Idaho Small Arms Protection Act (also SAPA) sponsored by Sen. Christy Zito (R-Hammett) which would declare a long list of “small arms” as essential for Idahoans’ needs in defending themselves. 

Additionally, the law ensures that all law enforcement and elected officials in the state of Idaho will have both criminal and civil immunity for refusing to help the Federal Government enforce gun control laws.

Finally, the law requires that the Attorney General defend Idaho’s law. If the Attorney General refuses to defend the law then the Idaho legislature, through a concurrent resolution, can appoint someone to defend it instead. 

For a brief recap of our proposal and to hear my interview with Alexandria Kincaid who drafted the legislation, you can check out the video below.



28 thoughts on “Idaho’s Current List of Sanctuary Cities/Counties & State Sanctuary Status

    • Greg Pruett Post author

      There is a statewide law already in place.

  1. Louis Monson

    Owyhee county just became a bill of rights sanctuary! Not just the 2nd!

    • Greg Pruett Post author

      Did they already pass them and if they did do you have a link?

    • Kelley Hetrick

      All of Idaho needs to be a bill of rights sanctuary! The assault on our rights is never ending!

    • Jerry G Weaver

      Why haven’t we adopted sanctuary status?

  2. wayne wood

    The State of Idaho needs to vote this in immediately. Until that happens, all counties and cities should start the process of adopting this 2nd Amendment sanctuary protection that is needed ASAP!

    • Jill Clark

      I want to get Minidoka county on board. Any help is appreciated.

  3. Wayne Wood

    Greg, please work on Idaho County for us. We will do the same here by contacting out commissioners.
    Thank you,
    Wayne Wood.

  4. Rick smith

    Middleton should be a sanctuary city…guess I better speak up at the next townhall..

  5. Dan.C

    I agree Middleton need to become a 2A…
    Will attend myself next meeting myself…

  6. Steven Madden

    Hi Greg
    Who do we have in the Legislature opportunity g this movement? They could use encouragement

    • Teresa davis

      So I’m a resident of kootenai county..does kootenai not have one?

  7. Donald

    The entire United States is a gun sanctuary the 3nd amendment says so .

  8. Donald

    The second amendment says so sorry about spell check changing grammar and spelling into wrong spelling.

  9. james douglass

    Is there a web site assigned to this action? how dowe get our county to get involved and pass theSAPA ? as well as our city Preston should be on board , I know this is a redundent motion but our Federal government is hell bent for leather to take our rights and guns away. We all need to make a stand and NOW.

    • John Kaelberer

      Madison county just became a 2A Sanctuary County .
      I think Bonneville county also just became a 2A Sanctuary county also. Not 100 % on this one

  10. Kenneth Ulrich

    To who this is concern . Please help us keep our second amendment. Rights.

  11. Beverly Shiell

    Please allow Nez Perce county to be a sanctuary city for the 2nd amendment

  12. Sue Mackiewicz

    Hi Greg…where does Caldwell, Canyon County area fit into this, as I did not see it listed in any category….thanks for your reply/input…russ

  13. Pingback: Gun Rights For Idaho | Red United States

  14. Allen

    The entire USA needs to be 2nd amendment sanctuary. the 2nd cannot be interpreted any other way its absolutely that easy to understand. Shall not be infringed. I’m getting sick of constantly hearing about attacks of the 2nd amendment. Its settled.

  15. Terry Wilson

    I’m wondering if Kootenai County is on board Greg. Haven’t seen any questions or answers on this post since October of last year. I’m referring to the SAPA in CDA Kootenai county. Any word? Appreciate all you do Greg!

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