Out the Progressives! – Sign the Petition to Require Party Affiliation in City Elections

Sign your petition to the Idaho legislature to support a bill that would require party affiliation disclosure in city elections!

Whereas: Voting is an important part of our Republic and;

Whereas: Voters must be informed about the individuals wishing to represent them and;

Whereas: Party disclosure in city election would help inform voters about a candidates’ potential governing style and;

Whereas: Most elections in Idaho and nationwide require party affiliation disclosure and;

Therefore: I ask you, as my legislator, to support a bill that would require party disclosure in city elections.

Note: By signing below, you add your name to the list of Idahoans who want party disclosure in city elections. When a bill is presented to the legislature a list of names (not emails) will be submitted as petitioners wishing to make the bill law.

For more information on this issue, be sure to read the article here: https://gregpruett.com/idahos-city-elections-should-have-party-disclosure-on-ballots/

59 thoughts on “Out the Progressives! – Sign the Petition to Require Party Affiliation in City Elections

      • Gary Baumann Reply

        This needs to be circulated throughout Facebook and more importantly throughout all of Idaho.

      • Jacalyn Noice Reply

        We can’t afford to have deceitful methods anymore; full transparency

  1. Gloria Urwin Reply

    I agree. Any candidate running for an appointed position should be required to disclose their party affiliation & be held to the highest standard of Law if they mislead or Distort Public trust for self interest.. The only reason to hide a party affiliation is to deceive. Idaho constituents deserve truth of party affiliation in order to make well thought out decisions in filling very critical positions that impact our City. “Finding out after the fact” is unacceptable.

  2. james hartley Reply

    The Left has figured out that they can lie about their affiliation with Communism by running for city or local office… hence the plan to plant their Communist Friends into office by fooling the public about their true beliefs.. Party affiliation would at least warn freedom loving Idaho Citizens about the potential for a communist running in a local race.

  3. Christy kurts Reply

    I am tired of paying some politician to take over my life, it is time we took control of their erratic behavior and make them listen to us. We need term limits to ensure they dont get comfortable. We need a salary cap and end their lifetime benefits. I am sick of them taking away our rights and trying to control us. Right now they have us looking like China wearing masks everywhere we go, no doubt they want us to BE like China!

    • Ryan Reply

      We need to follow our constitution and live life of freedom not fear

    • Noel Bravo Reply

      If one is trying to hide their affiliation of party and beliefs, they are starting out on deception from the beginning. Where do you think they will take it from there ?

  4. Kelly Ford Reply

    Drain the swamp in our state, I will stand strong with my fellow Patriots!

    • Eugene mares Reply

      We need to preserve the Idaho way of life or we will live in a sanctuary state with high crime and no rights left to defend and protect you and your families. We need to vote in Idahoans, conservative constitutionalists. In 2020 elections and beyond we need to vote out liberal left wing radicals.

  5. Misty Pierce Reply

    How do we keep one/some from hiding behind a party? Got a few RINOs in Elmore County!

  6. Kevin Bayhouse Reply

    I have seen comments on local social media (Nextdoor, Boise Bench Dwellers et al) that suggest that Dems run as GOP candidates to put more RINOs in the leg.

    • Rose Adams Reply

      I’m a firm believer that judges too should state their party. It’s a lifetime appt, we need to know whose running our courts.

  7. MYRON McCrady Reply

    Party affiliations help to know what the candidates support, and narrows the odds of electing leftists to any office, IMHO.

  8. Gary Dale Reply

    Since at least half the “republicans” are fake, and all of the democrats are dangerous, this will give the voters at least a fighting chance of getting the right choice at the polls ….

  9. Vee Reply

    In order to vote for someone, you need to know what they support and will fight for. Their party affiliation is a big flag for that, although I usually look into their voting record. Freedom Works has a section for that.

  10. Rebecca Crea Reply

    Important to me that I know how someone is politically.

  11. Kelly Reply

    Thanks for doing this it has needed to be done a long time ago

  12. Mark Reply

    Do your homework ask questions of them if they argue with you there hiding they are democrats

  13. Shellie Reply

    I do not think taking to polls away from Idahoians was very smart. The law has been broken in this state. I myself would like to sue whomever decided to not let us vote.
    Ballot harvest g to steal votes from trueAmericans is very wrong.
    I want a good lawyer to sue you all for taking my constutional right to vote away.

  14. Dean Kinne Reply

    Idaho is one of the last places in the country that has not taken over by the corrupt Democrats with their voter fraud and other sick tricks. We need To be careful to preserve
    This last safe place.

  15. Angela Teeter Reply

    It’s hard believe they wouldn’t disclose this information. We need to know.

  16. Charles Turner Reply

    I’m one of those “unaffiliated” voters because I’m not particularly enamored with either of the 2 major parties. One thing its for sure is that I doubt I will NEVER vote for a Democrat after what has taken place over the last 4+ years!!!

  17. Charles Turner Reply

    That last post didn’t come out too well (it’s pretty early in the morning). What I was trying to say is that I doubt I will ever vote for a Democrat again!!! That political party has shown how evil politics have gotten!!

  18. K PM Reply

    I am a conservative Republican and a Christian. I need to know who I am voting for. I am responsible to the Lord. So this is important to know about each person running. We live in America and things that are happening look a lot like Communism. Tracing now? Entering homes!!! Forced testing…..tell on your neighbor? Not in America.

  19. Roger Sellman Reply

    Party affiliation information is important, but you still have to be diligent and do your homework. Vote for constitutional conservatives. Not RINOS.

  20. Drew Reply

    If your hiding who your party is then how or why should we trust anything you have to say. Full disclosure. Dems are really good at hiding who they are or what they are. No politician is Perfect but some are straight up Demonic. Lets We The People take back OUR America.

  21. Sean Reply

    We need complete transparency on party affiliations in all elections especially city and county elections. This is where either politicians start their careers or failed politicians go to try to swindle the public after a failed run in bigger races because of their extremist or unconstitutional views!

  22. Chuck Reply

    That’s why we have the liberal wolves in sheep’s clothing here. Take a guess at what party affiliation our new Boise Police Chief likely is.

    • G Reply

      I’ve read Unaffiliated unless you have info that states otherwise.

      I have also read conflicting stories of him being a bad cop whistleblower, a Patriot Prayer supporter, and an Antifa sympathizer. Too many differing stories out there right now, purposeful misinformation?

  23. GW Reply

    If this doesn’t work out 2 can play this game
    we run republicans (posing as democrats) in their
    primary and since we outnumber them 5 to 1
    we get enough ppl to show up and vote out the democrat
    in the primary so the election is between only

  24. Creed Reply

    In a sea of Lies and broken promises,commitment to party Is a must moving forward to save the USA.

  25. G Reply

    It’d be a good idea to know how long someone has been affiliated with their party as well, enough of these folks playing party lines when it’s convenient or in their favor then switching back when it’s all said and done for a few years.

  26. Gloria Reply

    Not only should a candidate be required to full disclosure of party affiliation, but any who are found to have lied after elected should step down immediately & face charges for Election Fraud.

  27. Chelann Lyda Reply

    Can’t weed out the swamp if we dont know who or where the swamp monsters are.
    We need to clean our state up, and keep it as it should be kept. Free, proud, and honest. #IdaholifeisRED

  28. Tom Ady Reply

    Knowing their party loyalties would be a start. Tracking their affiliations through the prior 10-years would be much more helpful in weeding out liberals that are wearing a conservative mask.

  29. Gary Seven Reply

    District 19 has usually been the petri dish for incubating socialist ideology. Districts 17 and 18 have followed suit but are not as bad. However, with the revelations this year about just how elections are operated, we cannot conclude that Ada County is much better than GA counties. If we are using machines that run “weighted race” algorithms to split whole votes into fractions, then we must assume that Dems could incrementally steal a District a bit at a time over years, even though a District could actually remain politically stable or even move more conservative as newcomers escape Democrat disaster areas. Must we always assume that newcomers to Boise are Dems? We need to do audits of our own elections and compare to the real demographics. The move to require sector representation for Boise City Council is a boon for democracy. The West and Southwest of Boise has been sorely underrepresented.

  30. Jeff Reply

    Let them attempt to instill a communist dystopia, let them attempt to disarm Americans, the Communists (democrats) need to learn their lesson through the tree of liberty. Let them come so it can be refreshed.

  31. John Reply

    Stand with the republicans, stand for freedom , stand for the flag and stand for the right of the people to keep and bear Arms.

  32. Norm Venturino Reply

    Term limits….municipal, state and federal. It’s the only surefire tool to insure a government, for, of and by THE PEOPLE

  33. Paul Reply

    District 9 has one representative and one senator that should be registered democrats. The problem is that they run as republicans and people just vote for them, no checking into them.

  34. Steven Geigle Reply

    I’m a political refugee moving from Oregon to Nampa in April. I did not want to wait until I moved to get involved in keeping Idaho free and conservative. Oregon has gone to hell with Krazy, Kreepie, Kommie, Kate brown, and the democrat majority in all houses. Oregon is one of the most godless states in the country, and it’s only going to get worse. I’m getting out of Dodge because I know God will not support a godless government and a state full of useful idiots. You folks in Idaho have a great state. Don’t blow it by allowing leftists to sneak into local offices.

    • Beth Beck Reply

      Liberals always cheat even by not saying who they really are…declare your part affiliation.

  35. Kathy Reply

    Yes on stating party affliliation for all candidates in all races, including judges. (We also need a solid source of information about each judge running.)

    Yes, deceitful Democrats may run as Republicans. But our side needs to stop playing nice. If we as constitutional conservatives refuse to settle for platitudes and vague-speak and REQUIRE that candidates take firm stands on rights that are repugnant to Dems-Marxists, we’ll know. If they say they’re Republican, it’s ON US to ask the right questions. We must REQUIRE them to commit in clear terms, out loud, in writing, to a bunch of unwoke positions. If they equivocate, hem and haw, don’t really answer, think an “AR-14” (looking at you, vacuous Mr Biden) is an assault weapon; if they don’t see the tragic ironies and “loopholes” in Red Flag laws, or if they want illegal aliens to have driver’s licenses (make NO mistake, it’s not about driving WHATSOEVER–it’s about automatic DMV-based voter enrollment for Democrats), then we’ll know. We should use their tactics (minus the violence incitement…looking at you, Democrat Waters). Especially let’s use labeling (name-calling): call them racist for every stance they take that doesn’t agree with ours, no matter the issue or the logic. We don’t have to explain. In fact, we should not explain, not budge, and never relent: make them regret they even tried. We’re DONE with compromise, DONE with “good enough.” Same for RINOS (looking at you, Rep Simpson). They need to be Ron DeSantis or they’re done. And fake Republicans won’t be able to pull that off.

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