Idaho Gun Owners Unleash BIG Surprise for Pro-Gun Champion, Rep. Christy Zito!

For eight years now I have been working with legislators in Idaho to push pro-2nd Amendment legislation.

There are a number of great legislators who work diligently and tirelessly to fight for Idaho’s gun owners.

One of those legislators is Rep. Christy Zito (Republican – District 23) from Hammett.

I met Rep. Zito back in 2016 just before the primary election season. She was running against a legislator who had voted against Constitutional Carry.

Her desire to fight for gun owners was a crucial aspect of her campaign.

She defeated her opponent, a 10-year incumbent, and won her general election race for the legislature.

Since then, I have worked daily with Rep. Zito on fighting for gun owners in Idaho’s capitol.

We have worked hard on a number of issues for Idaho’s gun owners.

For example, she successfully led an effort to expand Constitutional Carry. She fought for better Stand-Your-Ground.

She is currently fighting to give Idaho a better Firearm Preemption law and expand Constitutional Carry once again.

Additionally, she has fought against a number of gun control bills.

Thankfully, Rep. Zito is still in the capitol fighting for gun owners. Her efforts have not gone unnoticed.

So, with that in mind, the Idaho Second Amendment Alliance decided to create an ad and purchase a billboard to thank Rep. Zito for her efforts!

I drove down to Mt. Home in Rep. Zito’s district and took several pictures and shot a video explaining why we decided to do this for Rep. Zito.

In reality, we could not do what we do without great elected officials like Rep. Zito.

It’s been an honor and pleasure to work with her these last five years. I look forward to working with her for as long as she is in office.

You see, a lot of politicians tell you on the campaign trail that they love the 2nd Amendment.

They tell you they’ll fight for you but then do nothing once they are safely in office. That is not the case with Rep. Zito.

Rep. Zito promised to fight for gun owners at the captiol, and she has delivered on her promise to fight for you!

For that reason, we created the video ad below and purchased a billboard in Mt. Home to thank her for her efforts.

Be sure to share this article with your family and friends, watch the video, and then send Rep. Zito and “Thank You” note by going to today.

If you have not had a chance to see the video ad we created for her, you can watch the ad by clicking on the video below! (The full billboard picture is below the video.)

18 thoughts on “Idaho Gun Owners Unleash BIG Surprise for Pro-Gun Champion, Rep. Christy Zito!

  1. Ann

    Maybe we’ll move to Idaho, even though we swore this would be our last move (to WA).

  2. Michele Dees

    Thank you for all your hard, tireless work. Idaho thanks you and the Dees family thanks you!

  3. L. Cernik

    Thank you, Christy, for the deliberate and consistent work that it takes to do what you have done in our state to maintain and improve upon the firearms laws we now enjoy in Idaho. Thanks for your commitment to defend the rights of our citizenry in this state.

  4. Gerry

    Thank you for sticking up for our second amendment rights. We need more people like you.

  5. Daniel Sevy

    What can I say about Christy:
    She’s absolutely awesome!
    Thanks Christy Zito!

  6. Gregg Owen

    Finally someone who is willing and wants to stand up for our 2nd amendment rights. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Christy Zito for protecting mine, my kids and my grandkids rights. Stay strong in the fight.

  7. Ross Lougheed

    What L. Cernik and Gregg Owen said, as-well-as all the others.
    Thank you and stay strong, Christy!

  8. Craig Berry

    Thank You Very Much Christy! You Are A True Patriot And The IDAHO Defender Of Our Second Amendment Rights! KEEP UP YOUR GREAT WORK!!!

  9. Jean Mollenkopf Moore

    Thank you Christy! We appreciate all of your hard work in support of the 2nd Amendment in Idaho. You are a shining example to other legislators of the need to stand up, speak out and work hard day and night to protect this most important amendment of our Constitution! Without our 2nd Amendment, freedom is lost forever in our Constitutional Republic. God Bless America and God Bless Christy Zito! Let’s keep on keeping on!

  10. Wilson Curlee

    Thank you for standing with gun owners in Idaho! We badly need more legislators like you in this country!

  11. Bob Currin

    Dear Christy thank you for your hard work to save our guns in Idaho

  12. Ric Fondren

    Idaho is very lucky to have people in politics that understand the Constitution and will fight for it , Thank you Christi I look forward to meeting you in the not to distant future.

  13. John H. Kaelberer Jr.

    What more can be said….Christy Zito is a TRUE PATRIOT ! Thank you Christy for all the hard work. You Represent everyone in Idaho, not just those in your district.

  14. William Rugh

    We need more fearless legislators like you Christy, thank you for standing up for the people!.

  15. Darrell Burchfield

    In this age of constant scruitiny by the press and the left, it is refreshing to see someone stand up and be counted in the defense of the 2nd Amendment ,and to take a stand against those who would allow their profound hate for the Constitutional Right to keep and bear arms to sully their judgment regarding our freedoms and the legal implementation thereof. We are your loyal supporters Christy, and will provide our support and funding to keep your voice in the Statehouse of Idaho. Keep up the good work!!!

    • Mike Apostolou

      That you Greg Pruitt, Christy Zito, and I 2AA for ALL you do !! Great add …and billboard..would love to see one on I 84 eastbound between overland and orchard…Great Job!!

  16. Kathy A

    Christy Zito is the REAL thing.
    And she has her own story to drive her passion…a story which the hurt and angry, inwardly-turned, accusatory, ill-informed and illogical will predictably ignore. But feminist Democrats and Independents may not…because it’s the story of how GUN RIGHTS ARE WOMEN’S RIGHTS. Perhaps the hypocrisy of seeking to disarm women will start to sink in. Billboard is a fantastic idea…thanks for making it happen, Greg!

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